And once again we were convinced: the more complex and confusing the conditions, the more winning the solution.
Therefore, an important point in working on foreign projects is the study of the norms and rules of a particular country. It was a fascinating experience for us to do the usual work, but in new conditions.
Our workshop has completed the sketch of a house in Croatia. We have worked in many countries, but we have been surprised not by the local color, but by the laws. And no wonder, because at the institute we were told about different climatic zones, but no one even mentioned that everywhere there are different standards for coordination and obtaining permits.
This home is located on a rough nature of the terrain. As an architect, I admire landscape features. Thanks to the landscape, we got an interesting solution: from the view side, the house is seen as consisting of 4 floors, from the side of the road and neighbors – of only 2 floors.